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Pilot Study #1 - PNC-27  
Pilot Study #2 - siRNA  
Clinical Trial #1 - Seattle Cancer Care Alliance  
Oasis Of Hope  
Marina Medical  
The UW Medical Center  
The Burzynski Clinic  
Recipies <
BUDWIG RECIPE (Here on YouTube)  
  • 6 TBS cottage cheese(1 part flax seeds to 2 parts cottage cheese if you want more)
  • 3 TBS Fresh made flax seed oil
  • 2 TBS freshly ground flax seeds
  1. Blend cottage cheese and flax seed oil with immersion blender until creamy (like yogurt).
  2. Stir in ground flax seed.
  3. Stir in chopped apple, banana, nuts, berries, etc. for sweetness.
The Budwig diet was developed by The Dr. Johanna Budwig a German biochemist, and she has used it to nurse thousands of people back to health. She discovered the dangers of hydrogenated oils. To read more about her visit her website. The Budwig Diet. The important component HOME MADE FLAX SEED OIL RECIPE
  • Whole flax seeds, either brown or golden
  • Drinking water (not tap water)
  • A saucepan
  • A jar to keep the oil in, preferably glass
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and add 1-2 tablespoons of whole flax seeds. Decrease heat to medium-low, and boil, uncovered, for 8 minutes, or until the water begins to thicken, appears somewhat glossy, and has streaks that resemble egg-white. Set aside to cool, and then strain through a cheese cloth. Pour into a jar, and store in the refrigerator. Use within 7 days. NOTES: The following tips from several sources. Please blog your thoughts if you have more ideas.
  1. Flax seed oil goes rancid within days, whether store bought or homemade, so best to make fresh and store in refrigerator no longer than two days.
  2. Use organic whenever possible.
  3. Pre-ground flax seed loses most of its benefits with hours after grinding, so it’s best to grind whole flax seed when you are ready to eat it.
  4. Use organic ingredients whenever possible, especially if you are fighting cancer and diseases.

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